In fast-paced companies, ad-hoc reporting has become common in the day-to-day life of employees. People from various industries talk about a rough reporting ratio of 70% ad-hoc reporting to 30% routine weekly or bi-weekly reporting. The need for ad-hoc reporting spans across departments, posing a challenge for those without extensive knowledge of complex datasets or coding skills. Quickly accessing relevant data and creating visualizations for stakeholder reporting can be daunting as people face various hurdles.

Challenges of Ad-Hoc Reporting

Cross-functional data silos: In many organizations, especially those without centralized data systems, vast data stores spread across various departments. Users often face the challenge of retrieving the right data, requesting access to the data, and cleaning and analyzing the data for immediate insights because of reasons such as having no data communication across departments, complex approval processes for security concerns, and inconsistencies in data formats and standards.

Lack of coding skills: Without a deep understanding of the data structure or advanced querying skills, extracting meaningful information can be a time-consuming and error-prone task. Ad-hoc reporting often requires some level of technical expertise in multiple querying languages. For stakeholders or business users without these technical skills, creating insightful reports can be particularly challenging.

Time constraints: In a fast-paced business environment, ad-hoc reporting requires an immediate need for the right data to make quick decisions. However, the time taken to request data and design reports makes data analysis lagging and cumbersome, slowing down the responsiveness of the organization to market changes and causing potential revenue losses.

Data View removes the barrier to Ad-hoc reporting faced by all stakeholders

Technical users – for stakeholders such as data engineers, business analysts, data analysts, data scientists, Data View improves their work efficiency and data productivity by increasing the analysis speed and quality, leaving more time for people to advance visualizations and data stories.

Non-technical users - with a user-friendly interface, Data View simplifies data interpretation and data visualization by allowing users to quickly retrieve the real-time datasets and easily generate insightful and visually appealing reports without a coding background, building comfort and confidence in non-technical users to leverage data for daily use.

Datafi’s Data View solution empowers all stakeholders to use data meaningfully to solve ad-hoc requests and present their data’s story clearly and effectively. The real-time analysis enhances an organization’s agility and responsiveness, enabling business to make immediate data-driven decisions to improve business operations and customer experiences and stay competitive in their respective fields.