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Last-mile Data Delivery With Our Intelligent Agent


Datafi intelligent agent is a secure, easy-to-use data chat interface that meets you in your browser and enables you to ask business questions using familiar terms via text or voice, anytime, anywhere. It generates unique data cards as output that can be inserted into your daily workspace or saved on deck. Our agent brings together your enterprise data in a single control plane for you to get information through mobile or desktop. Leverage Gen AI to create value immediately.

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Get familiar with our fundamental Data Card

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Query both structured and unstructured data and save the results to form a collection of data cards for your daily and ad-hoc reporting needs

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Insert context-rich data cards in platforms such as calendar, emails, Slack, and Teams, improving individual efficiency and team collaboration

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Connect with live datasets to ensure the most updated and accurate results for your business questions

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Find out how our features facilitate your Gen AI journey

Data Chat

Conversational AI to chat with your enterprise data

  • Access all your enterprise data, regardless of types, forms and sources, that spread across various business systems through an easy-to-use interface in your browser.
  • Use familiar business terms to ask conversational questions via text or voice messages from your desktop, tablet, or mobile phone.
  • Get relevant, context-aware, and permission-based answers based on your role, responsibilities, and security policies.

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Data Catalog

Secure data governance for your business

  • Provide a consolidated and centralized view of data, allowing for secure, accurate, and unified data governance across your business.
  • Set up Attribute-Based Access Control for granular permissions, ensuring users only access data necessary for their job functions, minimizing the risk of unauthorized access.
  • Enhance data quality and integrity by normalizing field names and bridging data across tables, creating a comprehensive and understandable data landscape.

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Datafi Datacatalog

Data App

No-code, customizable solution for building business apps

  • Empower everyone in the organization to build data applications without coding and data knowledge, streamlining your reporting and business monitoring.
  • Create dynamic data apps that align with your changing business needs and customer expectations, increasing organization agility in evolving market conditions.
  • Ensure scalability by allowing seamless integration with existing systems and data sources, enabling your business to grow and adapt without the need for extensive redevelopment.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is datafi and how can it help my business?
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Datafi is an AI-powered digital agent that interacts with your organization’s data, integrating seamlessly with various databases and repositories of unstructured data. It enables users to retrieve and analyze both structured and unstructured data through natural language queries, providing real-time insights and customizable views. This allows your team to easily access and leverage data from multiple sources, enhancing productivity and decision-making across your organization.

Is my data secure with datafi?
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Absolutely. Datafi places a strong emphasis on data security, employing advanced security protocols and policies to protect your data. The platform is designed to meet enterprise-grade security standards, ensuring that your sensitive business information remains secure and compliant with industry regulations. That means that you'll never be able to search for something that you have unauthorized access to.

How does datafi handle real-time data?
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Datafi is built to deliver real-time insights, allowing you to access and analyze data as it updates. This capability is crucial for making informed, timely decisions. Whether you're tracking sales, customer behavior, or other key metrics, datafi ensures you have the most up-to-date information at your fingertips.

Is datafi compatible with both structured and unstructured data?
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Yes, datafi is designed to handle both structured and unstructured data. It integrates with various data sources, allowing you to pull structured data from databases and CRM systems, as well as unstructured data from documents, emails, and other text-based sources. The platform’s AI capabilities enable it to process and analyze these different data types, providing comprehensive insights that can be easily accessed through natural language queries.

Does datafi support integration with different Large Language Models (LLMs) and embedding models?
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Yes, datafi supports integration with various Large Language Models (LLMs) and embedding models, allowing you to leverage the power of advanced AI for your data queries and analysis. The platform is compatible with a range of models, enabling customization and flexibility based on your specific business needs. This support ensures that datafi can adapt to the latest AI advancements and provide highly accurate, context-aware insights from your data.

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Datafi is an intelligent agent for work. Making data accessible and meaningful for everyone, anywhere.